Wednesday, December 31, 2008

January Art Events & Shows


1.3.09 - Family Fun Workshop. 
Polk Museum of Art (PMOA), 10:30am-noon. Free.

1.5.09 - artgroup
Meets at Black & Brew downtown Lakeland. 6:30-8pm. Free.

1.9.09 - Annual Art Exhibit Reception & Awards
Frostproof Art League & Gallery, 6:30-7:30pm. Free.

1.9.09-2.5.09 - Polk Country Art Teachers Exhibition
Melvin Gallery, FSC. Free.

1.14.09-2.8.09 - 59th Anniversary Fine Arts Exhibition
Ridge Art Association, Winter Haven. Free.

1.16.09 - View & Review
Critiquing emerging artists, PMOA, 6-8pm. $5 audience, $15 artists.

1.20.09 - Opera thru the Looking Glass: Don Giovanni
Imperial Symphony Orchestra, 5:45pm, Branscomb Recital Hall, FSC.

1.20.09 - Curator Tour
PMOA, 10:30am. Free with regular admission.

1.22.09-3.13.09 - Passion for Color, Susan Abrahamson
Lake Wales Arts Center. Free.

1.23.09 - Edward Bok's Quest for Great Art Lecture
Bok Tower Gardens, 7:30pm.

1.24.09 - Drinkable Art: An Exhibition in Good Taste
PMOA, 7-9pm. 

1.29.09-1.31.09 - fx Concert
SEU campus, 7:30pm. Free.

Almost Local Events:

1st Friday Gulfport Art walk. 
Walk up and down Beach Blvd to visit the galleries and shops in Gulfport, FL. Free.

1st Saturday of every month - YBOR art walk, noon-6PM. Free.
Pick up a map and walk to all the galleries for free parking. For a map and more details go to

1.18.09 - Gallery Talk with Thermon Statom
Orlando Museum of Art, 1pm. Free w/ gallery admission.

1.28.09 - Video Series: Walls of Glass
Orlando Museum of Art, 12am. $3.

Go here for downtown Orlando art events:

Show Deadlines:

Lake Wales Art show
Dates of Show: March 28-29, 10am-5pm.
Deadline to apply: January 5th
Cost: $15 jury fee, $135 space fee (refundable)

Mayfaire by the Lake
Dates of Show: May 9-10, 10am-5pm.
Deadline to apply: February 23rd
Cost: $35 application fee, $185 space fee (refundable)

Arts on the Park Members Show
Dates of Show: Feb 6-25
Deadline to apply: Jan 30 & 31, 12-4pm
Cost: $30


The Camera Obscura - building pinhole cameras
Jan 17 & 18 (10-4pm & 1-5pm)
$125 members and teachers, $140 non-members.

The Business of Fine Art - Making your Creativity Profitable
Sat, Feb 7, 10am-3:30pm
PMOA, $60 members, $75 non-members.

Monday, December 29, 2008

February Show!

 Put it on your calendar folks!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008


On news stands until 12/30!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's almost Christmas...

So it's two days until Christmas and for some reason it just doesn't feel like it. Maybe because I've still been working and haven't had time to enjoy the holiday. Maybe because I'm no longer working at a church where it's talked about 42 times a day. Or maybe it is because two days ago it was 80 degrees and I was trying to get a sun-tan in my backyard. Anyway, the fact is that Christmas has indeed, less than 48 hours until it's arrival. 

This Christmas I have SO much to be thankful for. I'm going to be the featured artist at Mitchells for the whole month of February (come on 2/6 from 6-9pm for a special 'meet the artist' reception), my Polk Voice cover story is coming out tomorrow (pick up a copy on newstands for free!), I've been able to do what I love from home, I have amazing friends and family, a roof over my head, food in my stomach and too many other blessings to count. 

When we all can get caught up in the things we want or the negatives in our lives, this holiday season, what are you thankful for?

Friday, December 5, 2008

December Events!

First is tonight - Ridge Art (Winter Haven) Black & White Show reception is tonight. 6:30-8:30PM, free

Tonight is also first Friday downtown Lakeland and the Arts on the Park reception for the Old Florida Show. It is also free and runs from 6-9PM. 

Dec. 2 - Community Christmas Concert
SEU Campus - Bush Chapel, 7:30PM, free.

Dec. 3-21 - Black and White Show
Ridge Art - Winter Haven, free.

Dec. 7 - PCC Music Students Christmas Concert
Winter Haven Campus, 2:30PM, free.

Dec. 11-21 - Smoke on the Mountain
Lakeland Comm. Theatre, Lk Mirror Center, 7:30PM, Sun 2:30PM

Dec. 12 - Holiday Fest 
Downtown Lakeland, holiday art show, free.

Dec. 12 & 13 - Christmas Concerts at Pinewood
Bok Tower Gardens, 7PM, $20

Dec. 13 - Family Fun Workshop
Polk Museum of Art, 10:30am-noon, free.

Dec. 13-14 - The Nutcracker
Polk Theatre, Florida Dance Theatre, 7:30, Sun 2PM, $17 adults, $12 children

Dec. 17 - Polk Voice Article Out!
I'm the cover story! whoo hoo! free.

Some dates to remember:

View & Review: Critiquing Emerging Artists - Polk Museum of Art
January 16th & February 20, 6-8pm. 
Costs: $15/artists, $5 artists

Building Pinhole Cameras Workshop
PMOA, Jan 17&18. $125/members, $140/non-members.

The Business of Fine Art - Making your Creativity Profitable
Feb 7, 10:30-3:30, $60/members, $75/non-members.

Ridge Art Fine Arts Exhibition - January 14 - February 8
Entries are received on Jan 9 & 10, $25/members, $35/non-members

Arts on the Park Fine Arts Show - March 6-25
Entries are received on Feb 27 & 28.

December Events!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December Already.

I just realized that I need to post what's going on for December, and I don't even know what is going on. So, I will post events soon.

Personally, I did not get accepted into the Old Florida show... picking myself up off the floor and trying again. Oh well. I'll be interested to see what did get accepted and try not to be bitter and think things like, "THIS got in and I didn't?" 

On the up side, the Ridge art reception is Friday from 6:30-8:30pm and I'm pretty excited about that. The show actually opens today so maybe there will be something about it in the paper. Other than that, I'm frantically trying to get ready for the show on the 12th downtown on Kentucky St. and Christmas. I want to crank out some new things to show next week... so it's been fun. I've also been designing mood boards for a local graphics company and I've had a LOT of fun with that. It's probably my favorite part of graphic design - the creative ideas and process. I'll try and post some work soon! 

Here's my latest painting. It's a tiny'un.

 Marilyn, 5X7, $35, available on

ps. did I mention I got my own website up? It's fantastical.

pps. I also got sweet new business cards.