Where does time go? I've been incredibly busy these past few weeks and time has flown by. I don't know if you all are aware but for us graphic design and photography nerds, adobe has free e-seminars a few times a month. I have only done one so far but I've already learned some new tricks! There's another one this Thursday and two more in August. Plus, you don't have to leave your office for it so there's no commute. What a resource! Here's where you go to sign up: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/event/index.cfm?event=list&type=eseminar&loc=en_us
On Friday and Monday I took most of the day to visit preschools in Lakeland and Winter Haven to promote my preschool photography. Some of the preschools I visited where very nice and others well... let's just say it's sad where some parents have to leave their children for 8 hours a day. Driving around in all these areas that I don't visit on a daily basis also got me thinking how so many of us live. How segregated we all are. Even though there isn't a legal segregation, it still lives on in so many streets and neighborhoods. There's where the poor whites live, the rich, the mexicans, the poor blacks, etc. It got me thinking, I wonder how we would all live if we were all forced to live in one big mush-pot... with no boundaries, no fences, no rich/poor dividing lot. I wonder if our mindsets would change. I wonder if those that had more would see how grateful they should be and be more apt to give back. I wonder if things would really change.
So I will leave you on a light-hearted note. I took pictures of 'Senior Chapel' at a local church recently and was left with so many smiles. When I walked in, they were in the middle of worship which looked like the music team was anyone that played an instrument. In the band was an electric guitar, clarinet, keyboard, piano, organ, two accordions and three singers. I do not lie. It was a pretty amazing combination. I just smiled as the congregation bobbed their heads and closed their eyes to the music.