Monday, October 26, 2009

Homemade Hazelnut Gelato

I normally don't post about food I make, but this was quite an experiment so I thought I should share. A while ago I read the book, "Under the Tuscan Sun," which is quite different then the movie. Anyway, it has lots of italian food recipies and I've been itching to try them out. Last week I make a folded peach tart with marscapone and it was quite delicious!

Tonight I tried Hazelnut Gelato.

First I had to toast the hazelnuts and chop them up.

Then I had to whisk 6 egg yolks, 1.5 cups of sugar and combine it with a pint of heated half&half.

This was supposed to be heated until it "almost" boils but when I was chopping the hazelnuts it boiled over, smoke going up and almost setting off our fire detector. I frantically salvaged most of it and toweled off the burner.

I poured this mixture into a bowl and put it in the fridge to cool down.

After I finished chopping the hazelnuts, I whisked the nuts, the juice from a lime and 1.5 tablespoons of vanilla into the mixture. Then as I was attempting to put this into the ice cream maker, I spilled even more of it on the counter. I was going for cleaning every surface in my kitchen.

So now, it's in the ice cream maker churning away and I'm anticipating it's demise.

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