The show will consist of a series of photographs (new from when I showed there last year) and new mixed media pieces, that all relate to each other. So far I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out and I hope they look good on their walls and that I have enough art to fill their walls up! It seems like a small coffeehouse until you have to hang art on the walls. Somehow they exponentially expand. =) Anyway, please come check out the new work and tell your friends! The artist reception is free and it's also the night of "First Friday" downtown so it's where all the cool kids will be.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mitchell's Show is soon soon soon.
The show will consist of a series of photographs (new from when I showed there last year) and new mixed media pieces, that all relate to each other. So far I'm pretty happy with how they're turning out and I hope they look good on their walls and that I have enough art to fill their walls up! It seems like a small coffeehouse until you have to hang art on the walls. Somehow they exponentially expand. =) Anyway, please come check out the new work and tell your friends! The artist reception is free and it's also the night of "First Friday" downtown so it's where all the cool kids will be.
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We promise to visit sometime after the event!
yay! it should be really fun!
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