Monday, January 26, 2009


So I have a little artgroup that meets once a month to talk about art and share ideas. I really want to kick it up a notch and do something fun but I can never get it together. I have difficulty thinking of something to do, think about ideas too late, can't ever find a new location, can't get ahold of certain people (that tell me to contact them, ahem) or just forget about it. what a lousy leader. Anyhoo... if anyone can think of something fun to do as a group or someplace to meet that's free, different or has space to do a project - let me know! I'd love to do something outside but it's dark by the time we meet. hmm.... I'll keep brainstorming... 

I wonder if I just brought in some objects to do a still life sketch, if people would be into it?

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